Physician | Consultant | Coach
Mental & Metabolic Health - VitaliTeam Workplace Wellness

It's all about the journey....
Comprehensive Wellbeing Assessment
Digital Behavioral Health Support
Anti-inflammatory Nutrition Guidance
Self Care Health Coaching Course
Clinical/Peer Support and Accountability
Do you need some time to reconnect with yourself?
Have you arrived at the end of summer feeling drained and exhausted?​
Do you need to ramp back up at work and caregiving duties but feel like you need a vacation from your vacation?
Do you need to re-center your health/wellness and wellbeing going into the Fall after embracing all the fun and activity of the summer?
We see you and we're here to support you!
Joins us for a 6 week self discovery and self care journey where you'll have access to:
Gallup's Net Thriving Assessment helps you better understand your Physical, Emotional, Social, Career, Financial and Community wellbeing needs.
Behavioral Health Support via Happify to
help you build skills for lasting happiness.
Happify turns the latest innovations in
positive psychology, CBT, and mindfulness
into activities and games that help you lead
a more fulfilling life.
An optional anti-inflammatory nutrition
plan to help you take control of your physical
health to boost your energy, mental clarity
and productivity!
Our "Sustainable Wellbeing" health coaching course guides you through weekly
mind-body practices to help you
build a lifestyle where you can thrive.
Where: Online
When: Weekly meetings starting
September 2023
Pricing: $199
Reach out to learn more about our team/group pricing - info@dradeolamead.com
Here is what recent participants have said...